Filipinos love to party. This can be reflected in traditional “fiestas”, lots of festive celebrations for holidays and special occasions, and the three-month countdown to Christmas that is usually filled with get-togethers and holiday-themed parties.

By living in a condo in cities near Manila such as Laguna, your friends and family would love to visit you during special occasions and holidays as the highways make it very convenient to get to you. When times like these arise, or you simply are fond of hosting events, here are some tips on how to spruce up your condo in Laguna for a party.

Pick a “Main Space”

Whether you’re hosting a family dinner to celebrate a birthday or throwing a rager with your Manila friends, you will want to have a central venue or space within your condo for the party to go down. It may be a room, or a space in your living area, or your balcony.

Make the necessary adjustments needed by keeping the area free of obstacles and fragile materials. For too tight spaces, try re-arranging couches or chairs, or perhaps moving some furniture to a corner to create space. Some even hide unwanted items in other rooms and close them off with curtains.

Another option to make the most out of your intimate space is to let other furniture play double duty. Coffee tables and ottomans are good serving tables, and oversized pillows and rugs make great seats, it also gives off a boho theme. At the end of the day, it all boils down to being flexible and creative.

Remove Clutter

Once you have set up your party space, remove household items like picture frames, papers, magazines, and documents as they may get damaged. Next, remove unwanted gadgets or fixtures like pots and pans lying around. Anything to make more space for the party and food. Also make sure that you make sure that items inside your home make it to their designated spots when guests arrive, like shoes, toys, or chargers.

Store unwanted items under the bed or sofa, in the laundry hamper, and inside drawers or desks. For drastic measures, you may use the inside of your microwave oven to store some small items on our kitchen table. Just make sure it’s unplugged and kept out of the party space.

This practice may also be an opportunity for you to think about what items you actually need in your home. It’s time to toss out some old items or start selling them online, as some things may just add clutter to your home, ending up as an obstacle taking up space. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone.

Set the Mood

Ambiance sets the life to a great party. But before you go and redecorate your room just for a night and intend to revert everything right back the morning after, try to think if it’s really worth it. Here is an alternative to consider. Focus on your party space as the focal point of the evening. When it comes to setting the mood in a spot in your condo, try to get creative and simple.

The first step you can make to set the mood is by setting up a bar. You don’t need a bar cart or a fancy glass finish, you can allocate a table, bookshelf, or a counter and fully stock it with the food and beverages you love. Place some pretty bottles, decanters, glassware, and some bar tools like an ice bucket, some aromatics to add to drinks, and you’re ready to serve. See your guests gather around your bar to mingle and help themselves to what you have in store for them.

Another tip on efficiently setting up the ambiance is focusing your decorating attention to the walls and ceilings. By doing this, you can keep your space looking good while maximizing surface spaces. Try putting on some string or fairy lights or some tea light candles as they take up little space and add personality to the room. You may also get battery operated candles to minimize the risk of a fire hazard.

If you are one of those “plantitos or plantitas”, rather than placing flowers or plants around the table, spice things up by placing a few sprigs of herbs on serving plates or platters. This will create the same vibe as people tend to remember these kinds of elements. As they enter your intimate space, the tiny details have already set the mood.

Keep the Bathroom Clean

Give your washroom a thorough clean before your guests arrive. Be sure bathroom counters are clear and clean, your toilet smells good, and the room is stocked with fresh towels and extra toilet paper. Light a scented candle, add flowers and you should be good to go.

Since many people will be entering this room frequently during your party, ensure that your personal items are kept away from them. Place your toothbrush and other grooming supplies in the medicine cabinet or in a rack. Replace hand and bath towels with a basket of disposable ones. Place a fresh bar of soap on the sink and make sure the candle is lit to avoid any weird smells. Once this is all done, Viola! Your bathroom is now ready for a party.

Serve Strategically

When you host many guests in your condo in Laguna, the last thing you want is to make your place too hot for both you and your guests to enjoy your gathering. Avoid turning on the stove and the oven when you have your guests over. (they may also be stuffed with kitchen clutter if you followed the tip above). Try to cook ahead of time, perhaps before the guests arrive.

When you run short on offerings and want to serve more, try to stick to room-temperature food such as platters of cold meat, cheeses, olives, fruits, and crackers or chips. What you are thinking of is right, Charcuterie boards can feed people all night long.

When serving your guests, spread the platters around the room so people don’t end up clustering in one corner to get food or cross a crowded space unnecessarily as this may ruin your party ambiance.

With these tips, be able to turn your condo in Laguna into an ideal party venue even in just short notice! Give your guests a glimpse of a refreshing shift in lifestyle outside of Metro Manila with Greenfield Development’s Zadia.

This five-building condominium, designed with the ethos of seamlessly blending modern living with a nature-inspired or ‘greenspired’ lifestyle, has committed over 80% of its area to tree-lined roads, parks, playgrounds, and green open spaces. The expansive property spans 36,000 square meters, and the footprints of the five towers, comprising 5,000 square meters, are thoughtfully integrated into the lush landscape. Greet your guests with an immersive embrace of nature as they enter your space, where the fusion of urban living and a green oasis creates a harmonious and rejuvenating environment.

Zadia is located within Greenfield City’s 400-hectare self-sustaining network of residential, commercial, industrial and recreational communities. Aside from having a party inside your unit, you can take them for a stroll in their pedestrian friendly open spaces. When inviting guests over, they are surely going to have a good time.

To learn more about Zadia or other projects within the community, click on the link below:
