Corporate Business

Greenfield Tower
Greenfield Tower is Greenfield’s first high-rise office building in Mandaluyong that seeks to cater to the growing demand from BPO locators in Metro Manila.
It also fulfills the complete masterplan promise of Greenfield District as a holistic urban community with residential, commercial and office buildings. All of these developments are situated in a unique environment where wide open spaces co-exist with state-of-the-art fiber-optic internet connectivity.
Greenfield embarked on the development of Greenfield Tower given a number of unique advantages that it offers to BPO clients and locators.
Advantageous Location
First is Greenfield Tower’s prime proximity to major thoroughfares such as EDSA and Shaw Boulevard, thereby making it highly accessible to mass transportation systems like buses, jeepneys and mass rail transit (MRT).
For future locators at Greenfield Tower, this spells utmost convenience, accessibility and safety for employees. It is definitely a plus for BPO workers to enjoy convenient, reliable and secure modes of commuting or transportation, and Greenfield District is readily designed to provide such advantages.
The ready availability and wide array of restaurants, shops, convenience stores and service centers also make Greenfield District an advantageous locale for busy BPO workers.
State-of-the-art Connectivity
Integrated within the Greenfield District masterplan is a future-ready telecommunications inter-connectivity thanks to state-of-the-art, fiber-optic internet backbone.
This is a vision that Greenfield offers as a benefit to the inhabitants of its entire business district. Beginning with the residential aspect, Greenfield’s pioneering high-rise condominium Twin Oaks Place was launched in 2009 with units boasting of fiber-optic connectivity.
As the Greenfield District masterplan is brought to reality, office developments such as Greenfield Tower will also benefit from this high-speed connectivity and will definitely spell a boon for BPO locators who rely heavily on dependable and fast internet connection for their telecommunications-based work
Offices of the future
The Greenfield Tower building itself is carefully designed and planned to provide for the strict requirements of BPO offices. In terms of space and flexibility, Greenfield Tower boasts of a typical floor plate of close to 2,500 square meters and about 3 meter celing height. Overall, the building offers a gross floor area of 65,764.54 square meters over 28 floors.
The 7th to 18th levels are designated as the low zone, while the 19th to 27th levels are designated as the high zone. Tenants can look forward to a VRF (variable refrigerant flower) airconditioning system and five levels of basement parking for more than 500 vehicles.
Even without leaving the building, employees can enjoy conveniences within Greenfield Tower’s ground level commercial establishments, as well as a signature restaurant on the 28th floor. A chapel, a museum and a bookstore are also planned to create the mixed-use environment within the building.

IT Center
With its nature-rich masterplan combined with future-ready technology of fiber-optic connectivity, Greenfield District creates a truly unique kind of convenient and efficient lifestyle for its residents, workers and visitors.
Easily accessible along the main EDSA thoroughfare, the IT Center is one of the earliest developments in Greenfield District, valuable in setting the character of the masterplanned community and solidifying its position as the new premier BPO and IT address in the country today.
Greenfield Auto Park and Santa Rosa Business Park
Greenfield City is dubbed a “city within a park” for its inimitable atmosphere of being right in the middle of nature. While most developments build parks in their projects or subdivisions, Greenfield is building a city within a park.
Greenfield City sets itself apart with its replete masterplan with residential, commercial as well as industrial components.
The Greenfield Auto Park was also opened in 1998, playing a vital role in stimulating local and even national economy with its numerous manufacturing, electronics, automotive and industrial locators. In 2004, the Santa Rosa Business Park opened and provided more space for corporate, hospitality and academic institutions.