Yup, there’s a place up there for your four-legged BFF.
With more and more people nowadays embracing high-rise living – whether they want to be closer to city life or avoid Metro Manila traffic – people seem to want to incorporate most if not all aspects of home living. This includes pet ownership.
Oh, we know the joys of having a pup companion no matter what type of home we live in. For those living in high-rise towers, however, there are a number of factors to consider – from dog behavior, to their size and most especially the condo house rules.
Here are a few tips for dog-owners who prefer to live on the rise yet can’t live without their pet dogs:
Thoroughly check your condo unit, the downstairs lobby and all other surrounding areas for potential dog hazards to ensure your dog’s safety. Avoid leaving your dog unattended for extended periods of time; and please don’t lock them in the balcony.
Socializing with people and other dogs within the condo premises is a sure fire way to keep your pet happy. As soon as you move in, it is best for both of you to interact with your neighbors – pets and humans alike. This lets your dog become familiar with who he may encounter (and play with) every day.
Smaller dogs may fall between the stairs or through the railings so it is important that your pet is familiar with these designs. Train them to walk slowly with you especially within the common areas of the condo. You might also want to consider signing him up for an obedience class.
Don’t let him be a major barker! Learn to manage his noisy behavior to help you and your neighbors enjoy a quiet living environment. In worse case scenarios, consult with a dog behavioral therapist for you to learn how to make them stop barking. Remember, his good manners will reflect positively on you!
Be respectful of other condo-dwellers. Before going inside the elevator, ask people if they are comfortable with your dog riding along. If there is already a pup inside, take the next elevator or consider taking the stairs to avoid any untoward incidents.
When just enjoying your cozy indoors, provide your pup with high quality toys to keep him happy. You can also switch up the toys every now and then to keep him interested.