If you’ve ever set your eyes on and bought a condo for sale in Laguna, you might have made one of the best financial decisions because of the area’s relative peace and proximity to the Metro. This is especially the case if you’ve bought one from Greenfield Development Corporation and now have a residence in Greenfield City, the former’s network of industrial, commercial and residential communities located in the Lion City of the South.

Of course, while the period of moving from your old place into another might seem like a breeze, there’s bound to be a lot of work to be done. Apart from the moving of furniture and appliances from point A to point B, there’s also the matter of informing the neighbors you’ve grown close to and your family as well. In order to help smooth the transition, here are some of the few things you can do after purchasing that condominium in Laguna.

Inform People Of Your Move

First and foremost, if you have people that you’d like to inform of your move like family, friends or neighbors you’ve become friends with, it helps to inform them. You don’t necessarily have to divulge where you’re moving nor how much it costs, but only the information you feel you’re comfortable sharing.

This way, in case of an emergency or in case you want them to visit you, they know where you are. It also sends the impression that you value them as someone important because in case they need you, they know where to find you.

Audit Your Space

One thing you have to consider is the amount of space you’re moving into. This does two things: 1) it gives you an idea which items to bring back from your old home and into the new one and 2) you know how much space you can work with and whether or not you should purchase new items to put in your home.

Do a quick audit of how much space you have and, if you can make a rough floor plan of which item goes where, start making a mental note. That way, it’s easier to unpack and put items where they’re supposed to be.

Plan Your Move

It might seem ordinary, but depending on how many items and appliances you have, planning how you move out of your home can be challenging. This is especially the case if you’re moving into a home that doesn’t have as much space as your previous home or if you’re moving out of your parents’ house.

By planning your move, you’re actually making it easier for you to decide which items you can leave behind and which ones you can bring into your new home. You’re also putting a deadline as to when this particular move should be done, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life like work or relationships.

Clean The Place Up

Prior to moving, see if you can clean up and sanitize the condo unit you’ve purchased. While it’s true that property managers might have that handled, cleaning the place up yourself does more than just guarantee that you’re moving into a clean place.

It also gives you a closer look of the property and what you’re eventually going to look forward to when you start living in the place. Apart from that, you get the opportunity to spot any flaws or irregularities in the unit, making it something you might want to bring up to the developer.

Invest In Security

Upon purchasing a new home, you can also start buying items that provide additional security. Granted, there’s almost 24/7 security when it comes to most condominiums, it pays to play it safe and get more.

You probably don’t have to install an advanced security system that involves several cameras and alarms. A few additional locks and chains would do, including maybe a rudimentary alarm system that indicates if your door gets broken. If you insist on using cameras, perhaps a baby monitor can work nicely.

Check On Existing Utilities

Existing utilities involve water, electricity and air conditioning systems. See if the instruments that house the new condo’s utilities are working properly and are physically (and internally) undamaged. If you notice that they are, bring it up to your property manager.

Not only are you preventing additional damages to your utilities, you’re also saving yourself the trouble of having to spend for repairs. After all, it’s best to report existing damages and have them fixed at a supposedly discounted price, than having to suffer later.

Start Unpacking

When you’ve planned your move, have a rough floor plan draft of which item goes where, and have thoroughly checked your utilities, it’s time to start unpacking. As a recommendation, start with items that can be placed inside of containers that you’ve already installed in your new home.

It might take a lot of work, but the overall experience should be fulfilling and exciting. It can also be considered a little bit cathartic since you’re moving into a supposedly new phase of your life and leaving the old one behind.

Have It Blessed

There’s a sense of finality if not security in having a spiritual leader grace your home. Whether it’s a priest or a pastor, and through a mass or a simple prayer, having your home blessed by your divine being brings a sense of safety and gratefulness.

If you’re more secular, then have the very first thing you do in your home be a spiritual act. It can range from anything to writing a rough chapter of a novel or painting on canvas. If this is a home that you’re going to spend a relatively long amount of time in, you might as well have some form of divinity looking over it.

Invite Guests Over To Celebrate

Once everything’s set up and you’ve furnished your new condo home to your standards, the next best thing to do is invite your loved ones in. Let them view the place over a dinner or, if you’re more the extroverted type, a small housewarming party.

This achieves more than just providing the right kind of vibe for your home. It allows your loved ones the opportunity to figure out how to get there and, at the same time, gives you the opportunity to get their feedback (solicited, of course – this is optional) on what else you can do with the space.

If you’re still in the process of looking for a condo for sale in Laguna, consider Zadia. This 5-building condominium complex is located in Greenfield City, making it accessible to commercial and industrial parts of the region. Being a low-density condominium, Zadia is a testament to Greenfield Development Corporation’s commitment to sustainability and providing long-term homes.

Apart from competitive unit spaces, Zadia has access to several functional amenities like multipurpose courts, swimming pools and the like. It also has access to Greenfield City’s wide open spaces full of lush greenery and neighboring lifestyle centers.

If you want to know more about this vertical development in Sta Rosa, Laguna, feel free to visit this web page: https://greenfield.com.ph/project/zadia/. If you have questions or any points of clarification, feel free to reach out to this number: (632)-8-631-8651.