As a business owner, there is nothing more important at work than to make your business successful. In the pursuit of success, it is key for employers to prioritize the well-being of their employees and recognize them as valuable individuals with personal goals.  Foster a positive work environment that values their welfare can have a significant impact on their happiness and productivity. By being a considerate and supportive employer, you can cultivate a sense of camaraderie within the workplace, creating a space where employees feel valued and motivated to give their best and remain committed for the long term.


Being a good employer is more of setting their expectations or creating a culture that makes them feel valued In the busy streets of Metro Manila’s cities such as Mandaluyong, businesses are filled with deadlines, meetings and reports to be made. As an employer, the last thing you want is a series of setbacks at work just because of the lack of motivation of employees. To avoid that scenario, here is a three-step guide on being a better employer by making your office for lease in Mandaluyong better.


Turn your office green


According to a famous scientist in the 80s, humans essentially have an inner urge to form a connection with nature. Unfortunately, most commercial or workspaces these days lack the abundance of greenery, therefore stripping people of their connection to the environment. 


Studies show that the presence of fauna in the form of indoor plants can have major benefits at work for both employees and their employers. They help reduce office-induced stress, as a 2010 study conducted in Sydney found significant reductions in stress among workers when plants were introduced to their office workspace. Results show a 37% decline in reported tension and anxiety; a 58% drop in depression or dejection, a 44% decrease in anger and hostility, and a 38% reduction in fatigue. One of the factors seen is that the green color’s psychological effects have a relaxing and calming effect on humans. 


Plants are also said to increase productivity. Productive capacity among employees is raised by at least 15% when their workplace is spiced up with some plants. According to 2014 research in the UK, adding at least one plant per square meter improved memory retention, and employees who took IQ and aptitude tests were found to have higher scores. When it comes to creativity tests, employees whose offices are abundant with natural elements score 15% higher as well. The theory of attention restoration suggests that looking at nature can unlock a brain’s deeper processing mode, making people more relaxed, and giving room for ideas and thoughts to flow in. 


Focus can also be enhanced in an office setting with the presence of plants. By being able to absorb sound, they can reduce the distracting effects of distracting noises in the background of an office such as chatter and machine hums. The natural noise cancellation effect of plants can be enjoyed by spaces with large plant pots in multiple locations especially edges of rooms.


Some experts believe that adding plants to a workplace can help reduce the risk of sick building syndrome. This is a name coined for symptoms that one gets in a particular building or establishment. It is usually contracted in offices due to the long hours that employees are exposed to the area. Another survey conducted in the 90s found that the introduction of plant-friendly office spaces brought down a decrease in symptoms of ill health among employees by at least 25%. Symptoms of ill health, including fatigue, concentration problems, dry skin, and irritation of the nose and eyes have declined among office workers. The presence of plants can help change the psychological working environment. 


Aside from its effects on the mental health of employees, plants help clean the air. While people rely on oxygen to survive, plants absorb carbon dioxide for them to produce energy. Along with absorbing and regulating carbon dioxide levels by at least 15 – 25 percent, plants help remove harmful chemicals in the air such as benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde from the air, making it cleaner for people in the area and allowing them to breathe in better quality air.]

Lastly, adding plants to the office adds to the aesthetic value of an office. They add a decorative touch to the space and make it more appealing to employees and applicants. A survey conducted on various employees showed that those who went to offices with foliage had a higher satisfaction rating compared to those who go to offices without plants.


 Be a good employer by getting your office space closer to nature by including greenery in your surroundings. Place some potted plants around the workspace to purify the air around and invite a sense of inspiration and tranquility within the office. 


Regulate Gadget Use


In a world of fast-paced technological advancements in the digital world, almost anything is possible with gadgets. They are intended to make lives easier and promote convenience, however, too much dependency on them or using them the wrong way can cause setbacks or delay goals or targets. In the office, its unnecessary presence can tend to sway focus as people subconsciously have a constant need to draw their minds towards them, making it highly distracting in the office. 


The ideal way to deal with this is to set a work environment that discourages the use of non-work related  gadgets during work hours such as personal mobile phones and gaming consoles or restricting non-work related apps/ programs from work peripherals such as games and external messaging systems. 


Be a better employer by setting an example and explaining its effects on their work performance and their habits rather than simply banning electronics or gadgets at work. Take the extra mile by setting a good example and being reasonable when asking their employees to stay away or regulate gadget use. Discipline and proper rule implementation go a long way in increasing company productivity. 


Have Cozy Furniture 


A way to show employees some love is by making the office a better place to be in, especially since they spend long hours of the day there. Help them relax their hard-working bodies by having furniture that is comfortable such as reclining chairs, seats, tables with good eye levels, and a couch for them to rest on. These will help support the physical form of employees and help them relax during long working hours. Keeping the body relaxed, supported, and in a good posture is key to reducing unnecessary discomforts which in turn increases concentration and boosts productivity.  Many people say that it’s never about the physical facilities that make the employee stay, but working long hours in a chair with a soft backrest will allow employees to get the job done in a better mood. 


Get A Future Ready Office Space


Aside from getting employees cozy furniture and a green-filled atmosphere, the best way to show how much you value them, along with your business, is by choosing an ideal office space that harnesses their potential by minimizing setbacks through state-of-the-art technology. 


Located in a prime location in the heart of Mandaluyong’s central business district, is Greenfield Tower. It is the first high-rise office building in Mandaluyong that seeks to cater to the growing demand from BPO locators in Metro Manila. It provides employees with a unique environment with a combination of wide open spaces and state-of-the-art internet connectivity. Its highly accessible location provides convenience for employees as Greenfield Tower is located in EDSA and Shaw Boulevard, and is very close to mass transportation systems such as buses, UV Express vehicles, and the Metro Rail Transit 3 (MRT 3). It is also close to a wide array of restaurants, shops, convenience stores, and service centers, making Greenfield Tower an ideal location for a workplace that promotes care for its employees. 


By taking note of these tips, have your employees be more eager to go to work by showing them that they are working for a good employer who values them and sees them as a person rather than a statistic or a number in production. To learn more about the property, click on the link below:


