During the early development stages of a child, they come to be very impressionable. They begin to absorb the knowledge they come to acquire in their waking life. Everything they learn within their immediate environment helps shape what kind of person they will be. This is why it is very important that they have someone to guide them through it all. Someone should be there to help them learn core values  such as respect, courtesy, proper etiquette, and many more values that will shape their personality as they grow up.

However, while parents and their immediate family play a large role in the development of a child, there are still a lot of external factors that come into play when it comes to what they will take in and learn. After all, they say that it takes a whole community to raise a child. Even if you have a very loving and supportive environment within the family home, they  also experience factors outside the four corners of your house. These experiences be it  good or bad, they will greatly influence the type of person children will turn out to be.

This is the reason why the importance of the location your family will come to live in cannot be stressed enough. You would want to live in a place where you can be assured that your children will grow to be kind and responsible members of the community. While the thought of finding the perfect place for your family may seem daunting at first, fear not. There are compelling reasons why a home in Laguna is the ideal location to instill and impart good values to your children.

Peaceful environment

There is no denying that compared to the loud and stressful life that comes with living in Metro Manila, the vibrant and fresh landscapes of Laguna along with its clean air allows for a tranquil environment. Coming to live in a place that fosters serenity and a stress-free lifestyle is a helpful way to get you closer with the ones you love. It also allows you to have a clearer and healthier mind which is vital when it comes to teaching your children certain things. They can also take up a much more peaceful attitude as they can adapt to the serene vibe that their environment can offer.

Close to places of worship

If you would like to instill religious values to your children at a young age, allowing them to visit places of worship with you would be a very important thing to do. This is so that they can put their faith into practice and actually feel what it is like to be surrounded by fellow believers of the same faith. It can also help them know more about the teachings of your faith as they will be exposed to religious people and learn from them as well. Laguna is home to a lot of places of worship like churches and cathedrals which can be very convenient for families that continuously practice their faith. It would only take a quick drive to get in a lot of them which is very convenient.

Safe Spaces

Another thing that will help children learn good values is to have them thrive in a place that guarantees them to be safe and secure. With a lot of residential developments within Laguna bearing a lot of safe communities, you would not need to worry about having your children grow up safely and securely. Gated communities are the epitome of security when it comes to residential living. Having you and your family live there can help ensure that you will have no problem in making sure that your children will grow up to be safe and happy while learning the values you have passed down to them.

With all of that taken into consideration, it is still tricky to think about where exactly in Laguna you should come to live. After all, Laguna is a large place and finding the right home for you warrants a lot of time. There are many choices to consider along with the factors that you would like to add in the mix when making your decision. These factors can vary from your family size, design preferences, and many more. Luckily, Greenfield City can offer you three residential developments that might just be what you and your family would need. These are Trava, Solen, and Pramana.


With its 33-hectares of space, Trava is a premier residential development that is considered as the flagship project of Greenfield Deluxe. Its road lined with trees as well as its magnificent manicured landscaping serves as a characterization of Greenfield’s legacy. It has a multitude of unparalleled features and amenities like a Children’s Pavilion, a Pool Area complete with a Lap Pool, a Kiddie Pool, an Adult Pool, and a Pool Deck, a Tennis Court, a Basketball Court, and many more. This tropical modern residential development showcases just how living in the suburbs can be sustainable as Trava continuously aims to improve the quality of life of its residents.


Exuding the feeling of purity, freshness, and simplicity, Solen is a residential development like no other. As an Asian tropical sanctuary, its magnificent features like its tree-lined wide roads that lead you to stunning landscapes, a pristine lake, and vibrant parks allows you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. It has numerous amenities like a Children’s Pavilion, Swimming Pools complete with an Adult Pool with Lap Pool and a Kiddie Pool, Nature Park,, Basketball Court, Picnic Grounds among many others. With all of this, Solen truly allows its residents to truly enjoy life to the fullest.


Dedicating half of its space to manicured lawns and wide roads lined with trees, Pramana truly exerts itself as the first residential park in the country. With its modern asian aesthetic, residents get a chance to experience both the tranquility that comes with living within a village that exudes calmness and the excitement that goes with the cosmopolitan feeling of Greenfield City. Pramana offers amenities and features like a Clubhouse Complex, a Children’s Playground, a Swimming Pool, a Nature Park, a Basketball Court, and many more which gives a way for residents to unwind and make the most out of their lives within this breathtaking residential park.

Letting your children live in a place that can allow them to learn and experience things that will help them become good people in the future is important. The childhood stage passes by  quicker than you might think so it is only normal to want to exert a lot of effort in ensuring that this stage will be as fruitful as it can be. Greenfield City shares this idea and strives to provide you with beautifully designed homes in their carefully crafted communities where your children can grow in the best way possible and become good people in the years to come.
