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The Green Life

The Wonderful Perks Of Owning A Condo In Mandaluyong

The Wonderful Perks Of Owning A Condo In Mandaluyong

Located at the center of the Metro, Mandaluyong is an urbanized city full of commercial centers, notable institutions, establishments, and entertainment hubs. Because of its accessibility to Manila and other business districts, it’s a common option for people from the provinces to consider getting a place here.

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4 Steps toward Covid-proofing your home

4 Steps toward Covid-proofing your home

Keeping your household spick and span may be nothing new especially for young families, those living with an elderly, or for any neat freak. But with the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic, clean surfaces and droplets-free air may just spell the difference between...

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Can you financially survive Covid-19? Here are practical tips

Can you financially survive Covid-19? Here are practical tips

For most people, the whole world turned upside down when the pandemic came out of nowhere. Restaurants, malls and other nonessential business hang the closed sign, transportation came to a halt, and we are experiencing record high unemployment rates. Even if you’re...

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